From here, click on the option for Game controller settings. You may change just a tiny bit, but too much won’t necessarily help.Find the controller, and right click it to bring up the following drop-down menu. If we have a peripheral that is not any of those, what we know as a generic one (what is known as X-Input), then we will have to activate that support.Controller settings for F1 2020 the game Luckily, in F1 2020 , controller settings aren’t something that needs any major changes. Steam is able to perfectly recognize and control a PS4 controller, an Xbox controller or a Switch Pro. The first thing to do in this window is to select the type of command that we are going to use.
The Guide button brings Steam to the fore. The window that follows will contain two options: Settings and Test.From there you can choose the Xbox 360 controller - click it with the right mouse button and choose Game controller settings from the context menu. From there, click on the Properties button.
We can have several Steam controllers connected at the same time. Likewise, if we use a wireless one, we can choose how much idle time we want to pass before turning it off.Steam will show us, under the options, the detected controls. If we use a wireless controller, and we play inside Big Picture, we can configure it to automatically turn off when we exit this mode. Power off when exiting Big Picture.